The root of problems from Islam is Islam itself

August 31, 2006 at 3:55 am (History, Islam, Islamism, Religion)

In the latest edition of The International Jerusalem Post (no. 2391), there is an excellent article on Wafa Sultan (“Her 15 minutes: Is Wafa Sultan the voice of reason or Islam’s false messiah?” by Brenda Gazzar, pp. 10-11 of the aforementioned edition of The International Jerusalem Post).

In it is written:

Much of the controversy that surrounds Sultan comes from her opinion that Islam and the Koran – not its interpretation by Muslims – are “the source of every problem we have in the Middle East” including the disrespectful way she argues women and non-Muslims are treated in Islamic culture.

This is a significant point. Proponents of moderate Islam claim that the problem resides in the interpretation of Islam’s fundamental sources (which comprise of the Qur’ān, ahadīth, sunnah, and sharī’ah): change the interpretation and the problem is solved! But this is not entirely correct. Read the rest of this entry »

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How recruiters are meeting their goals

August 31, 2006 at 12:37 am (Amusement, Blogs, Military)

From “How Recruiting keeps making mission” by BLACKFIVE comes a very informative video clip: “How We Do It” by Station Commando of Recruiting Tirade.

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Islam: the impulse to conquer

August 31, 2006 at 12:31 am (Blogs, Islam, Islamism, Religion, The West, Theology)

In the thread when I publicly wrote about WickedPinto and posted a comment of his, he said:

another thing, you picked one of my LEAST forthright [comments] to mention me with. 🙂

And he was right.

He made a comment some time ago that has reverberated in my mind since the day he wrote it. On August 5, 2006, he wrote:

Clausewitz said that the purpose of war is to either destroy the opposition of the enemy, or to reduce the DESIRE of opposition. Of course I’m paraphrasing, but as long as the US and Israeli military are active participations of the opposition? We are looking at continuous war.

Tom Clancy in 1993 , in “Debt of Honor” described how “CNN aggree’d since they realized that they are AMERICAN before they are a news service” only, thats not true.

The media is the enemy, though arab israeli’s, who have all the rights of jews enjoy life within israel will blame the jews at the FIRST sign of suffering.

I know you were raised Islam, Mus, but ISLAM is EVIL, noone who ever EVER lived in the modern world, could possibly accidentaly ignore the DELIBERATE political aspect of Islam. Islam is not a religion it is a political doctrine, built on conquest, and SLAUGHTER!

You are the accademic, demonstrate it.

The very last sentence struck me pretty hard. He was and is right. I sometimes get so distracted by peripheral issues, and perhaps even blatant bias, that I fail to see and write about the situation as clearly as I should.

He also said:

You might not think that Islam is evil, but it is, and with this, maybe the WEST which is made up of secular, open nations, might finaly realize that if Islam is not the religion of the nation then they are heretics and deniers.

Maybe when their own citizens will act in such a way as to destroy the western lifestyle, then they might realize that Islam is NOT COMPATABLE with modernity.

I’m an Atheist, but I can tolerate Judaism, and Christianity in all it’s forms, but Islam?

Islam is a political form FIRST! youa re the accademic in this subject Muslihoon, but I can see quite EASILY, that Islam as it is, and as it was created, and as it is generaly practiced, can NEVER reconcile it’s self with computers, with science, and with anything other than the fundamental oppression of their fellow human, in fact, once the modern era comes to end (assuming Islam wins) they will target the other class of islam that they disagree with, and finaly? they will enslave women to the point of their own extinction, OR! to a much more open slavery of all women.

Hirsaan Ali has all the links you need to see the failures of islam and the treatment of women is only a START!

With that introduction, I will warn that this will not be a short post. I would like to write about Islam’s impulse of world domination. Read the rest of this entry »

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