The root of problems from Islam is Islam itself

August 31, 2006 at 3:55 am (History, Islam, Islamism, Religion)

In the latest edition of The International Jerusalem Post (no. 2391), there is an excellent article on Wafa Sultan (“Her 15 minutes: Is Wafa Sultan the voice of reason or Islam’s false messiah?” by Brenda Gazzar, pp. 10-11 of the aforementioned edition of The International Jerusalem Post).

In it is written:

Much of the controversy that surrounds Sultan comes from her opinion that Islam and the Koran – not its interpretation by Muslims – are “the source of every problem we have in the Middle East” including the disrespectful way she argues women and non-Muslims are treated in Islamic culture.

This is a significant point. Proponents of moderate Islam claim that the problem resides in the interpretation of Islam’s fundamental sources (which comprise of the Qur’ān, ahadīth, sunnah, and sharī’ah): change the interpretation and the problem is solved! But this is not entirely correct.

No matter how one attempts to interpret around the obvious meaning of divine commandments, fundamentalists will simply state that such interpretations are wrong, and the fundamentalists are supported in their interpretations (true to obvious meaning of the texts and statements they are interpreting) by guides considered to be authentic and traditionally central. As it is, this tendency or even desire to formulate a moderate Islam is present mainly in the West, and fundamentalists (perhaps rightly so) complain that the pressure to formulate and adhere to a moderate Islam is all a Western ploy to weaken the Muslim community.

The undeniable fact is that the roots of the problem in the Middle East, among Muslim communities, and regarding this clash between Islamic theocratic fascism and Western liberalism are, precisely, the fundamental sources of Islam.

The problematic statements and commands exist for a reason, if one looks at it rationally. They exist to spur the Muslim community to spread the Islamic state throughout the world – which the Muslim community sincerely tried to do until they were defeated by the West and the Caliphate was abolished. By winning the hearts and minds of the Ottoman/Turkish elite, the West defeated the Caliphate and Islam as a political entity. But the impulse remains. Even in the absence of the Caliphate, Muslims continue to attempt to establish and spread Islamic political regimes, overthrowing those based on so-called Western ideals and theories.

The problematic statements also exist to keep Muslims separated from non-Muslims and to instill in Muslims an insufferable superiority complex over non-Muslims – all this to prevent assimilation and to promote Muslim overlording over non-Muslims. Notice how this continues to play out in todays world. Although the sharī’ah on the dhimmī is not enforced, Muslims have found ways to make non-Muslims kowtow to Muslims’ demands and desires, in many cases in the non-Muslims’ own lands.

Furthermore, Islam developed a rigidity that helped codify these tendencies so that they would be perpetuated: no matter where or when Muslims lived, they would act out on these impulses.

No, as problematic as it may sound, the problem lies with Islam. I really wish it were not so. But those who fail to see this fact are ignoring reality. The solution, then, lies in helping Muslims deliberately misinterpret Islam, for their benefit and for our benefit.


  1. eteraz said,

    this was very trite.

  2. Michael van der Galien said,

    Yeah, very good post indeed.

  3. garry owen said,

    Getting moslems to deliberately misinterpret their faith is a tall order. Its far easier to teach a cat to bark like a dog. Its far easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle. Can you dig the message? Unfortunately. we are all on a collision course with destiny….. a destiny of blood and fire in which the living may envy the dead. Its a pity that the moslems are so fucking dumb that they are willing to destroy the greatest gift of Allah: life itself. Damn bastards. Valar Morgulis.

  4. Dex said,

    So what about all the good muslims? The ones that don’t hate the west, don’t hate America, and aren’t terribly interested in jihad? They seem to outnumber the fundamentalists. Are they misinterpreting the religion? It seems to me, and if I’m wrong, Mus please let me know, that the non-fundamentalists are the mass that the islamists try to hide among. Is it that Islam will always seek to create the caliphate or does it just provide fertile soil for islamist thoughts to grow in?

    Forgive for sounding naive. I don’t have a lot of contact with the muslim world, just the few that I work with and with whom I never discuss religion or politics.

  5. What about the Moderates? « Muslihoon said,

    […] Dex brings up a number of good points here. I also see Eteraz would not completely agree with what I had written. […]

  6. Vince Aut Morire » Blog Archive » What about the Moderates? said,

    […] Dex brings up a number of good points here. I also see Eteraz would not completely agree with what I had written. […]

  7. MY Vast Right Wing Conspiracy » On “moderate Muslims” said,

    […] Muslihoon has several posts that you need to read from the last couple of days. I’m just serving them up for right now, because due to time I can’t write anything yet–not that I can possibly add to what he’s said, anyway. When I read Muslihoon, I just read and absorb it. Read these: Islam: The Impulse to Conquer When one looks at a map of world religions, one will see that Islam – those places where Islam is the dominant, majority, or official religion – spreads from Morocco in the west to Malaysia in the east, from Albania in the north to Indonesia in the south. How did a religion that began in the Arabian desert conquer so much area? The answer lies in the question, in the word conquer. The root of problems from Islam is Islam itself Proponents of moderate Islam claim that the problem resides in the interpretation of Islams fundamental sources (which comprise of the Qurn, ahadth, sunnah, and sharah): change the interpretation and the problem is solved! But this is not entirely correct. […]

  8. On Apostasy « Think Tankers said,

    […] Young VDH-in-training, Muslihoon, has three good posts on apostasy and Islam. I won’t sum them up; you should read them. […]

  9. Wednesday Night Links « PurpleSlog said,

    […] Islam Is The Problem? […]

  10. Food Chain said,

    These arguments would do well applied to Christiananity as well. Might as well go for all of the Abrahamic religions at once and include the Jews. There was once a growing atheism among intellectuals that has now been largely silenced by fundamentalists of all flavors. If you consider any of these arguments to be valid it is only your own bigotry that does not allow the arguments to be valid for all.

  11. Muslihoon said,

    I would have to disagree. There are no provisions in Christianity or Judaism to conquer the world and subject the world to a law given by God. Furthermore, Christianity – most denominations anyway – rejects the notion of religious jurisprudence. Judaism does have religious jurisprudence, called halakhah. Nevertheless, one simply cannot compare Christianity and Judaism, on one hand, and Islam, on the other hand, and determine that they are similar. They are utterly different on a variety of levels and on a number of issues. Nowhere in Christianity or in Judaism is world conquest by force even advocated, let alone permitted.

    “There was once a growing atheism among intellectuals that has now been largely silenced by fundamentalists of all flavors.

    I do not see how this can be. Atheism, questioning and challenging religion, and a-religiosity, including agnosticism, is still quite well and alive particularly among intellectuals. Even though fundamentalists are quite vocal, I do not see how their vocality could possibly threaten or even check atheism. Considering, furthermore, that there are plenty of agnostics and atheists even on the political right, which is often characterized (incorrectly) as dominated by fundamentalists, one would have to recognize that the claim that fundamentalists are silencing, threatening, bullying, or chacking anyone is untrue.

    Indeed, I would have to say the opposite is true: due to the activism of evangelistic atheists, people are far more hesitant now to express religious beliefs for fear of offending someone, being ridiculed, or otherwise being considered incompetant – particularly by intellectuals and academics (although, I should add, this is not universal).

    If you consider any of these arguments to be valid it is only your own bigotry that does not allow the arguments to be valid for all.

    There is a difference between bigotry and truth. If I continue to say that what elements exist in Islam are absent in Christianity and Judaism, it is because this is the way it is, not because I am bigoted against Islam. And I will continue to maintain this until I am proven otherwise by facts.

  12. Abbas said,


    I am a Muslim and part of the overwhelming non-fundamentalist majority. If you think Islam really teaches violence and “world conquering” you should really read the history of the prophet. The real history, not the distorted easy-facts you see nowadays on the internet.

    Please refrain from making false, unjustified and unrequired comments that are contributing to adding to the hatred rather than advocating love to a world that is hurting and terribly eager for love and peace.

    To truth, love, peace and happiness.

    In Islam.

  13. Muslihoon said,

    Abbas: Please provide some examples that mitigate the sweeping wars of conquest launched by the Muslims even in Muhammad’s time.

    • johnny b said,

      perhaps you should learn something about the life of the Prophet(SAW).you are ignorant and know nothing about islam.

  14. Bob said,

    Here is a relevant Quranic verse that links war and murder and terrorism to heavenly reward.
    Surah 9:111. “Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain; a promise which is binding on Him in the Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge which you have made; and that is the mighty achievement.”
    By the way, is it a coincidence that this citation sounds like 9/11?

  15. Mindy said,

    I am not an expert on religion or politics by any means, but I believe I am an intelligent person. I used to be a liberal, and so I used to be on the opposite end of this argument. I have changed dramatically over the last few years, as I have matured. In other words, I’m no longer viewing the world through rose-colored glass. My comment is this, of all the serious conflicts going on in the world today, how many of them involve Muslims? My guess is that it is the majority. I don’t believe that every Muslim is a terrorist, or evil by any means. However I do see a trend here.
    People try to argue, “well there are modern Christian terrorists, what about them?” They use examples like David Koresh (leader of the cult known as The Branch Davidians), and James Charles Kopp (a protester and attacker of an abortion-performing doctor). Here’s where this analogy goes wrong. When Muslim terrorists murder others, burn down buildings, etc., you can see Muslims ALL AROUND THE WORLD (so it’s not just a “cultural” thing) literally celebrating these acts. I can’t give statistics, but from what I see, it is clearly more than just “a few extremist Muslims”. When a much less common Christian terrorist murders someone, rapes women and children, etc., Christians all around the world CONDEMN these acts. You certainly don’t see huge groups of people celebrating in the streets, in several different coutries.
    I’m not saying that at one point in history Christians weren’t committing acts of terror, with many condoning it. However it has been hundreds of years since this has been a problem. So I’m sick of people using that to justify Islam TODAY. This religion is causing problems today, and things definitely need to change. So called “good Muslims” need to stand up against terrorism, and Muslims around the world need to get out of the 7th century, and develop at least some part of the worldview of today.

    • DriftAway said,

      Exactly, nice to see someone speaking the Truth here Mindy, good on you. People can call the teachings of Islam “beautiful”, which is all subjective anyway, point is 90 percent of what happens in the “muslim/middle eastern world” is NOT beautiful at all, and a violation of many human rights. Muslims need to wake up in regard to what is really happening in reality, not in their heads or books. Things need to change, for the sake of peace, and my hear goes out to every muslim woman who has been brain washed into thinking she has equal rights. What a joke.

  16. Michael, Atlanta, GA said,

    I’m certainly no expert in the religions of the world so please correct my ignorance if need be.
    I am a Christian who has recently decided to research the Muslim beliefs. I’ve just started this research but have not liked what I’ve learned thus far.
    It seems that Muslims are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to destroy and conquer anyone who does not believe the same way as the Muslim. That this is dictated in the various books of Muslim belief and that the only reason there are “moderate Muslims” is because those who are moderate are so because they do not or have not had the opportunity to “rise up” and fight against the masses around them.
    If they did have the needed support from those around them, there wouldn’t be moderate Muslims at all. It’s as if the moderates are just sitting and waiting patiently until they have the chance to do what they really want to do: to wipe out all Jewish and Christian (and all other religions that are non-Muslim) people until all in the world are Muslims.
    World domination in any sect or religion cannot and will never take place in this world. Thus, wars, death and destruction seems to be the way of the Muslim (moderate or fundamental).

  17. Wah? Cool it ya'll said,

    Woa.Calm down You guys.
    Im a Muslim, and happy. You guys seem to think Islam preaches Terror. Lets, first of all, Check out what ‘Islam’ itself means. Arabic is a powerful language, so Islam doesnt have one meaning, in fact it has five. ‘Surrender ones Will to God’ ‘Submit’ ‘Obey’ ‘Sincerety’ and Most importantly (it’s root word) ‘PEACE’. Hmm….no, that really doesnt go along well with ‘terror’, now, does it?
    But, we see that there are soo many so-called ‘Muslims’ comiting acts of terror. Muhammad (pbuh) did not carry out campaigns just to kill, or just to convert or just to plunder. He was a civilised, intellegent man. Try not to believe in all rubbish fabrication written against him. Please.

    You guys may be are finding it hard to grasp that every single community has some part of it, which the community on the whole are ashamed of. Dont deny it. When several priests were found gay, and doing all sorts of shamful deeds e.g some priest was caught taking photos of himself in bed with a woman in order to blackmail his Christian authorities to get more money(or power or some thing similar), You did not find Muslims writing hate for mass publication. No one claimed that Christianity preaches homosexuality, or blackmail, or anything of the sort. (the example is kinda weak, but u should see what im saying, you intellegent beings), All im asking of you is to be reasonable.

    You guys are rather adept to finding misconcieved faults in Islam (though actually the fault lies in many of its followers) however sometimes monotonous in that most of you diatribe lies in picking out certain passages, completely out of context, and frequently adding a new twist to the passage, or simply quoting a contorted ‘translation’. And you people do it well.

    Micheal. Where on earth did you get that info from…unreliable ‘research’ wont give you the facts.

    You guys should calm down a minute, and ponder why, even though there is so much falsehood and hate written about Islam, it is still by far the fastest growing religion. And a lot of converts are Christians. Take Yusuf Estes for example (previously a Christian preacher) …you can google him if u like (i’d advise that).
    One thing i will admit; often it can be found that the true, proper followers and believers in Islam are the nexly converted.

    So why are there so many converts? is it the concordance with modern established science? Is it the beautiful life of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Is it the beautiful sound of the Quran in recitation? (soo many possible reasons)

    Alas, theres so much to say, and not much time on my hands.

    I hope you people become a bit more thoughtful and tolerant, and understanding, and more knowlegdeable to what Isam really preaches. I can, if you want quote numerous (many many) examples of the Quran condemning terrorism. Terrorism is absolutetly forbidden in Islam.

    • Carroll Hanks said,

      How can you deny that Islam preaches terror when the Quran says:

      Slay the unbelievers wherever you find them
      Make war on the infidels living in your neighbourhood.
      When opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you catch them.
      Kill the Jews and the Christians if they do not convert to Islam or refuse to pay Jizya tax.
      Terrorise and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Qur’an.

      Of course Christianity is no better:

      To me the worst example is God’s command to Abraham:

      Genesis 22:2 Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains I will tell you about.”

      Numbers 15:32 The Sabbath-Breaker is Put to Death
      35 Then the LORD said to Moses, “The man must die. The whole assembly must stone him outside the camp.”

      Deuteronomy 13:6-16
      If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, 7 gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), 8 do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. 9 You must certainly put them to death.

      Deuteronomy 22:23-24
      23 If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, 24 you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death.

      So both religions are horrible and anyone that believes in them is a horrible human being.

  18. b said,

    how can one be a muslim if he/she doesn’t follow the most fundamental teachings of islam? thus, a “good” muslim is perhaps far less muslim than he/she should be… according to the teachings of islam.

  19. Jay said,

    What is the most dangerous region in the world today? Middle East. What is the region with the most consistent and on-going violation of human rights? Middle East. What is the region with the highest concentration of Muslims? Middle East.

    And although Islam may be a beautiful religion, and have many important things to teach us and all, how can anyone honestly believe that a religion that encourages violation of human rights is the “best religion”? (take Saudi Arabia, where women can’t drive or hold public offices, take Iran, take this country, that country, the list goes on…)

    As for me, I believe in God and His message. I honestly don’t care between Episcopalian or Judiasm or Islam… They all believe in God, so who cares? Everything else is just accessory that millions of years from now no one will care about anyway.

    I think that is one of the most important thing to think about. Millions of years from now, how do you want to be remembered? As a religion that went awry, or a religion that tried to remedy its own faults? Because I can guarantee you, that if humans don’t nuke each other by then, neither Islam nor Christianity will exist.

    We all need to go back and re-read Mindy’s post. Then think about how we want to be remembered a million years from now.

    I’ll finish with:
    Surah 9:111. “Surely Allah has bought of the believers their persons and their property for this, that they shall have the garden; they fight in Allah’s way, so they slay and are slain; a promise which is binding on Him in the Taurat and the Injeel and the Quran; and who is more faithful to his covenant than Allah? Rejoice therefore in the pledge which you have made; and that is the mighty achievement.”

    • DriftAway said,

      Very well said Jay

  20. Anonymous said,

    So the suggestion is to misinterpret Islam—–great,that will really work. Islam is peaceful,1.5billion people follow it and if we were all terror lovers I am sure the whole world would have known by now. We have in Islam people who are distorting the truth.

    We are now told terrorsis are attacking Israel and in Iraq and Afganistan. And I think,if someone invaded my home what would I do. If someone forcefully pushed me out of my house,into my shed and i was told live with that, what would i do? I do not condone killing of civilians, suicide boming,nor the kidbapping of civilians.

  21. sammy said,

    Hi long time reader first time writer. Islam has been misinterpreted along wtih many of the worlds great spritual belifs has anyone read dogs of God? a great honest history of why islam is in the state that it is in now….there are so many diffrent sects of islam today thats why it is very hard for non-muslims to understand what is going on in islam. there is a war within islam going on and you guys don’t even relize how bad it is. Becouse you are on the outside looking in. you don’t have to really worry about islam or muslims and the end game for instance i bet none of you know that in islam there is the belife that many muslims will indeeded follow the anti-christ? or that the traditions of the way women are treated in saudi arabia where there before islam and it is becouse the house of saud kicked out the family of the Prophet and took over what used to be called trans-jordan in a deal with the then pm of england w.churchill this behavior towards women was allowed to go on unchecked. If any of you know any african christians or thoes with traditional beliefs ask them how many wives they or should i write their fathers or grandfathers have or had many nations in africa have the multi-wife system also this muslim terror is just a tool to divide us and distract us from the lost and continued errosion of our human and civil rights. Eh Why is the leader of the most powerful country on the planet such good friends with the “royal”family of saudi arabia there are so many pictures of mr. bush jr. and sr. holding hands with prince this and king that of this middleastern country and that middleastern country wake up folks……….ALEX JONES……………

  22. Manas said,

    Hi All,

    My apologies for intruding into a discussion like this, but after having read the above arguments i could’nt help but write in. I am a Hindu from India. My country has been living with all sorts and all forms of terrorism for quite some time now. Although, i cannot deny the fact that a a serious majority of all terrorist acts have been executed by Muslims but its also important to understand that not all Muslims are terrorists. The problem with Islam, as i see it, is mainly because of its inability to change with time. India was predominantly a Hindu counytry till about 15000’s where after Muslim invaders came throttling in,destroying temples and killing who ever refused to convert to Islam. Apart from Akbar who was a just and the first Secular Muslim ruler all the rest never considered this country as theirs. Again, the problem with Islam is that it does not understand the meaning of SECULAR which according to me is absurd. Tell me one Muslim dominated country which is secular in nature. There are none in this fuckin world. Also, whereas Hinduism is more of a philosophy than a religion, Islam is more of a rule book and that too a strict one. What Muslims need to do is to try and figure out what part of it still valid.

    • Anonymous said,

      hi Mr said that you are a Hindu from you probably would have heard about the taj mahal,the lal qila,the tomb of akbr at sikandra,the golden temple…………the taj mahal is the symbol of india around the globe.the government makes half of its money of tourism from this structure.and I tell you one thing more,that taj mahal is a masjid that was made by shah jahan(whom you consider as a muslim invader who destroyed india)and that it was a makbara(muslim tomb).he made these glorious monuments which none of your so called secularists could not make.and even then you consider mughals as ‘invaders’.there are over 10,000 mughal monuments across the country which are far greater in number than any of your ‘seculars’ built for this said that muslim ‘invaders’ killed anyone who refused to accept islam.then tell me who built the golden temple,the lotus temple,the jwala mukhi temple and many would probably know what kind of act hindu fundamentalists did when they destroyed the Babri Masjid and butchered 12,000 muslims in gujarat in the way can you tell me the name of any hindu leader that is secular in nature.your society is far more divided and biased than that of the muslims.the brahmins,rajputs,vaishyas and the shudras,the shudras,nowadays known as ‘dalits’ were considered untouchables by your religion.the practice of sati,the inhumane crimes done against them give an insight on how the hindu fundamentalists conducted barbaric and inhuman acts.I do not want to go any deeper and tell you more.Perhaps you wold have understood by now.Prophet(SAW) is the best example of islam and you should first learn about his life rather than these leaders.the meaning of the word islam is itself ‘peace’.so first learn about it and then say anything.

    • johnny b said,

      hi Mr said that you are a Hindu from you probably would have heard about the taj mahal,the lal qila,the tomb of akbr at sikandra,the golden temple…………the taj mahal is the symbol of india around the globe.the government makes half of its money of tourism from this structure.and I tell you one thing more,that taj mahal is a masjid that was made by shah jahan(whom you consider as a muslim invader who destroyed india)and that it was a makbara(muslim tomb).he made these glorious monuments which none of your so called secularists could not make.and even then you consider mughals as ‘invaders’.there are over 10,000 mughal monuments across the country which are far greater in number than any of your ‘seculars’ built for this said that muslim ‘invaders’ killed anyone who refused to accept islam.then tell me who built the golden temple,the lotus temple,the jwala mukhi temple and many would probably know what kind of act hindu fundamentalists did when they destroyed the Babri Masjid and butchered 12,000 muslims in gujarat in the way can you tell me the name of any hindu leader that is secular in nature.your society is far more divided and biased than that of the muslims.the brahmins,rajputs,vaishyas and the shudras,the shudras,nowadays known as ‘dalits’ were considered untouchables by your religion.the practice of sati,the inhumane crimes done against them give an insight on how the hindu fundamentalists conducted barbaric and inhuman acts.I do not want to go any deeper and tell you more.Perhaps you wold have understood by now.Prophet(SAW) is the best example of islam and you should first learn about his life rather than these leaders.the meaning of the word islam is itself ‘peace’.so first learn about it and then say anything.

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