How Israel should deal with its terrorist enemies

August 4, 2006 at 5:27 pm (Arab society, Arabs, Blogs, International community, Islamism, Israel, Leftist idiocy, Middle East, Military, Palestinian Territories, The Left, The United Nations)

In “A Sailor’s Parable” by HayZeus of HayZeus, Inc., there is a link to “A difficult lesson” by The Braden Files. This post consists of a story told by someone who was in the Air Force; the poster uses that story as a parable to describe how Israel can put an end to its terrorism tzoris (troubles) once and for all. It’s very enlightening and certain made me think. I was a little shocked by what he had to say, but I must admit that he has a very good point. I want to say I agree with him.


  1. Kafir said,

    Hey Musli
    What do you suggest india do to deal with terrorist enemies from pakistan?

  2. Wickedpinto said,

    Clausewitz said that the purpose of war is to either destroy the opposition of the enemy, or to reduce the DESIRE of opposition. Of course I’m paraphrasing, but as long as the US and Israeli military are active participations of the opposition? We are looking at continuous war.

    Tom Clancy in 1993 , in “Debt of Honor” described how “CNN aggree’d since they realized that they are AMERICAN before they are a news service” only, thats not true.

    The media is the enemy, though arab israeli’s, who have all the rights of jews enjoy life within israel will blame the jews at the FIRST sign of suffering.

    I know you were raised Islam, Mus, but ISLAM is EVIL, noone who ever EVER lived in the modern world, could possibly accidentaly ignore the DELIBERATE political aspect of Islam. Islam is not a religion it is a political doctrine, built on conquest, and SLAUGHTER!

    You are the accademic, demonstrate it.

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