Camp X-Ray: Shut It Down, Release the Prisoners

June 11, 2006 at 6:23 pm (Islamism, The Left, The United States)

The United States need to shut down Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo, Cuba. Yes, shut it down.

The United States need to release all of the prisoners. Yes, release all of the prisoners.

The United States need to release all of their prisoners and transfer all of them to a state allied with The United States, such as Poland, Romania, any other East European country, or even France (as long as they promise not to release any prisoners). If Egypt or Afghanistan or Pakistan or any other Muslim country is up to it, the prisoners can be released to it. From what I have heard about the conditions of its prisons, the prisoners can be released even to the Palestinian Authority.

Then, I am sure, everyone will be very happy. It would be so much better than sitting in an American compound, no?

(For the record, I cannot care less about the prisoners who committed suicide. Less burden and cost on The United States as far as I am concerned. Ungrateful cretins.)

Cross-posted to RightWingSparkle (modified) and cross-posted to Vince Aut Morire.

innaa naHnu-l-a’lam.


  1. Christopher Taylor said,

    I disagree, there’s no tactical or legal reason to do so. If you do so in response to whining and bad press, all you do is shift the whining and bad press to the next available target, this time energized by successfully shaping policy. In a way, it’s a form of terrorism – a small minority people without the power to make policy have found a very public and loud way to intimidate and frighten governments and the public to do their bidding.

  2. Jauhara al Kafirah said,

    We should have built a prison way up in Alaska. At Nome. There is still some military base in Nome, isn’t there? Hell, I get all warm and runny inside when I think of Jihads hangin’ out in Nome. Let’s do that.

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